Armaghan Ahmadi Venhari

Dr. Armaghan Ahmadi began her studies in architecture and continued with a Ph.D. in urban design. Her fascination with light started with daylight and extended to artificial light. This passion, combined with her 20 years of teaching experience, led her to establish Iran's first light academy, Light-Life-Academy.
The academy launched with online project-based courses during the pandemic, inviting global experts to teach. Over the past seven years, it has graduated over 3,000 students and offers courses in different departments such as lighting design, product design, light art, interactive lighting, and stage and theater lighting. Dr. Ahmadi teaches fundamentals of lighting, façade lighting, lighting master plan for cities, and lighting for historical buildings.
She has also mentored several light art workshops and festivals and served as a judge in several awards.
In addition to her academic work, she has gained extensive experience as a project lighting consultant at Glenoor Company. The academy now includes its own design department, which is managed by Dr. Ahmadi. It works on real projects related to lighting, with contributions from graduates and professors.
Additionally, she has been living in the Netherlands for about a year, where she is establishing a similar internationally-focused academy, Light en Light Academy.