Cherine Saroufim

Mrs. Saroufim holds a Master in Interior Architecture from the Académie Libanaise des Beaux Arts in Beirut, and a MFA in Lighting Design from Parsons The New School of Design, New York. Her Thesis: Moucharabieh(2); a product derived from the reinterpretation of the Moucharabieh as a technique rather than an esthetic received the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) Thesis Price. This project was also presented during the first PLDA (Professional Lighting Design Association) Conference in London in 2008.
Since moving back from New York in 2007, Saroufim incubated the Lighting Design department within Atelier Saroufim, a leading architecture house in Los Angeles, Lebanon and Egypt. She has also been teaching lighting design in the schools of Architecture, Interior Design, and Landscape at ALBA. She has spoken at international conferences on numerous themes related to the lighting design field.
Besides teaching, she is currently working on projects in Los Angeles, Lebanon, Egypt, UAE and the State of Qatar.
Saroufim is the Lebanese Ambassador for “Women in Lighting” Association with the aim to promote the Women working in Lighting design.
Since January 2024, Saroufim is the President Select IALD Board Member.
Atelier Saroufim’ lighting design department has won numerous Lighting Design awards on the local and international scene.